Ep | 26 - Who has your back? What You Can Do Now to Build Trust and Save Your Team with co-host Christina Castaneda

Who is your ride or die crew when it comes to your professional work? In your career, your performance and reputation are at stake, so how do you know who has your back in a high-pressure situation? In this episode, Christina Castaneda shares why building trust, taking in harsh critique and keeping the lines of communication open can keep you working in a drama and disaster free work environment. 

Follow Christina Castaneda on Instagram: @savvycreativechristina and listen to the Savvy Creative Podcast on Apple Podcasts or Spotify. 

Who is your ride or die crew when it comes to your professional work? In your career, your performance and reputation are at stake, so how do you know who has your back in a high-pressure situation?


Ep | 27 - Staying focused during chaos with co-host Milena Garcia


Ep | 25 - Making the Most of Glamour Work co-host Stacy Estrada