Ep | 28 - Why Women Will Lead Us Out of the Pandemic with co-host Christina Castaneda

Women leaders, where are you? You're needed NOW! We're tired of female bosses and leaders having "Queen Bee" syndrome or how we're portrayed in TV and Films as being cutthroat. In this episode, Christina Castaneda shares the qualities and misconceptions of what good leadership is--and isn't. Find out how you can have more empathy, encourage collaboration and focus on the long term win-win for your teams. 

Women leaders, where are you? You're needed NOW! We're tired of female bosses and leaders having "Queen Bee" syndrome or how we're portrayed in TV and Films as being cutthroat. In this episode, Christina Castaneda shares the qualities and misconceptions of what good leadership is--and isn't.


Ep | 29 - Learn to be a Great Peer Mentor with co-host Stacy Estrada


Ep | 27 - Staying focused during chaos with co-host Milena Garcia